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 Human Rights Policy



The purpose of the T’ER SUN.TS PTY LTD (“T’ER SUN”) Human Rights Policy is to communicate to our stakeholder, the ethical and social values we respect and our commitment to uphold human rights by promoting our values. Through these principles we aim to be an aspiring business for people to join and be associated with.

Human rights are the universal rights that every human being is entitled to enjoy and to have protected. They are most appropriately defined as those rights that require us to treat others as we ourselves would want to be treated, and which protect us – as individuals and groups – from abuses of power.


Our Commitment:

  • We conduct our business to the highest standard of ethics and in accordance with our values to respect the rights of all people and comply with all legal requirements.

  • Provide fair and open dialogue with all our stakeholders whilst still ensuring that we communicate effectively and courteously with external parties.

  • We recognise our responsibility to respect human rights and avoid complicity in human rights abuses.

  • We treat everyone who works for T’ER SUN fairly and without discrimination. Our employees, subcontractors and suppliers are entitled to work in an environment and under conditions that respect their rights and dignity.

  • Recognizes its responsibilities with regards to workplace health and safety, employee privacy and freedom of association;

  • Prohibits the use of forced labor and child labor;

  • Works to ensure compliance with applicable labor and employment laws, including those regulating wages and hours applied to employees.



Our Supplier relations:

  • Set out necessary measures to ensure no forced or bonded labour is used within own business or third party organisation.

  • Only employ workers who are above the applicable minimum legal age.

  • Suppliers who fail to comply with the policy may be immediately terminated.





Our Employee Relations:

• All our employees shall conduct themselves in accordance with the highest ethical standards.

• We aim to ensure that no form of discrimination is practiced in any area of our business including,     recruitment, compensation, promotion, training, termination or retirement based on race, colour, ethnic origin, gender, age, religious beliefs, disability, marital status, social class, nationality, sexual orientation, gender reassignment or employment status.

• We are committed to ensuring that our employees are able to work in an environment free of physical, psychological or verbal abuse, the threat of abuse and sexual or other harassment and, accordingly such actions are forbidden.

  • In accordance with legislation, best practice and a prevailing knowledge of our industry we shall take all reasonable steps to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, associated with or in the course of work, by minimising so far as is reasonably practicable the causes of hazards inherent in the working environment.

  • Employers who fail to comply with the policy may be held liable for any incidents of harassment or discrimination that occur in the workplace, leading to financial penalties and damages awarded to affected employees.

© T'er SUN . TS 2017-2023  Tel: 03 9532 2196  INFO@TERSUNTS.COM   12 EDGECOMBE COURT, MOORABBIN 3189 VIC

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